Masculine Pride and it’s fragility and futility

HOPE is a four letter word. And despair is a seven letter word. In the end which is strongest and which will define your life? Well that is for you to decide my friend because we always have a choice when it comes to how we live our life. You can live your life free, fun and on edge or you can curl up into a ball caught up in idle activity and idiocy. At the end of the day the world keeps spinning. It’s all about which values you use in life….Virtues such as courage,diligence and confidence are going to take you far in life and it will make the ride more endurable too. Entitlement and righteousness are also values which will make you LIFE.

New Day New Way

i haven’t blogged in so long due to travels and personal nuisances but I’m back and with more knowledge and power than ever.  Everyday is a new day. Every moment is a new moment. To build pride one must be productive and remain enthusiastic about his/her goals. Gender is an illusion, race is an illusion. If you want pride i suggest you build self pride and defend that pride with your life because it will bring you many successes and victories and those are a good thing. Remove any resistance for such things. If you feel unworthy or you feel life is not worth living choose to feel worthy and entitled anyway.Don’t be swept by emotions instead you must be hard as a rock,stoic and relentless while pursuing your goals…You deserve the best. we all do and you must be willing to do whatever it takes to be the best you can be. Life can be easy,life can be fun but it all starts with taking that first step toward GREATNESS and never looking back. The mind sticks to what it finds to be familiar and comfortable…so you must put evolutionary thrill on yourself. Act on ideas, chase dreams be passionate and full of fire because living this way is extremely fun,we deserve this. We need to become the ultimate warriors, prideful yet graceful. Powerful yet charming. We must become completion in others words we must reach our full potential. PERFECTION is what we are we just need to dig it up. Strength and courage you must rely on in this world and probably in the worlds to come. Also you must love yourself and take PRIDE in who you are and you are perfection in all its forms. LOVE,FREEDOM,POWER AND PURE BLISS SHOULD BE WHAT WE STRIVE FOR IN ALL WE DO,IN ALL WE ARE WE MUST BE ABSOLUTELY PERFECT.If anyone dare stands in your way mercilessly crush them without remorse or hesitation…We don’t stand for bullshit we have self respect,we have honor and dignity. We are ever powerful we are immortal. Nothing will dare stand in our way,ever. We are great beings we will not stand for a hellish world instead we will aggressively create a heaven on this earth. A personal heaven and a heaven where only beauty,love and joy can reside and all suffering non-existent. Be detached from outcomes and be indifferent to all criticisms! Know your enemies from your friends because this will save from a lot of unneeded irritations. We are champions we will not die and we cannot lose. We will create heaven on earth, we will save those who want to die,we will be their protectors. We stand for love,truth,freedom and happiness so we can create a life worth living. That is all for now.