Clear the mental clutter

Clear it all, just take a pen and mentally vomit all over it,there was a time when the heroes of war stood towards the front lines of battle.Swords out and ready to destroy  anything that stood in their way,the gates open and the enemies wait outside. They charge towards it and destroy the demons standing in the way  Mental clutter keeps you from being your best,keeps you over encumbered and immobile in extreme cases.

Fear sometimes accompanies the cause of mental clutter,fatigue,etc…but the best way to fight it I think would be:

  • Catching up on some sleep
  • less internet time
  • more time with the real world    




Sleep is probably the most important thing you can do for yourself,I lose lots of sleep nowadays for pointless things.Mostly fear of the unknown but anything can be overcome. The mind sure loves to play tricks on us sometimes.




Cut the internet time. Some of us spend too much time on this seductive secretly sadistic contraption. Makes me sick how I rely on my laptop so much,I think its become my life. There is a point when things get way out hand(good thing I ain’t there yet) when you gotta just pull the plug and get some help. 


Probably one of the most important things,our brains just weren’t made for this type of closed doors,socially isolated computer desk junkies life style. In some cases its fear holding you back,maybe you’re ashamed of yourself for whatever reason,let this go rewire your brain and just conquer all this bullshit life throws at us.From the asses with white slave collars to the disembodied soulless demons we gotta just force ourselves to change this bad pattern and eliminate the same recurrences from happening again and again.Be good to others,if you aren’t a good person you really aren’t going to enjoy this life you can’t. Be the hero,always…..