Solitude is a good place to gain more strength

Fuck the one percent, screw the jack of all trades, just be you, do you. Move with a manly swagger if you’re a male and soon you will be your true self. Walk until you find yourself. Women can benefit from this too but women are more in touch with themselves than us guys. Anyways, in solitude you may lose yourself in delusions that’s why its good to do earthly tasks to stay grounded.

Fuck what others think, fuck what others say, speak your mind and act in a way that will make you feel good about yourself. Loneliness and emptiness don’t last, once you find that person or hobby to awaken you from your darkness you will never be quite the same again. Because then your life gets some sort of meaning. Life is what we make it. I think there is some measure of truth to that. If we go into a situation without joy and power then how can we expect to feel good in the long run? Lets say you’re at the crossroads and you need to let go of some old habits in order to live a better life. Remember, not choosing to change is a choice as well. Every second of everyday we have choices to make and we can always make them. So why not act on better choices sooner rather that later when you feel forced? Why not take your sweet time and enjoy each moment of this life? The internet loses it’s appeal eventually plus your body will be affected and then your mind. Humans need activity, both mental stimulation,(ex socializing) and physical stimulation,(ex:working out,sex,walking) Walking allows you to find yourself when you are lost within. It also allows you to perfect better thinking patterns and decisions. 

Solitude can be miserable, realize fear is an illusion, fuck everything that is holding you back and fuck your perceived illusions. Fuck the avoidance of boredom and fuck the avoidance of loneliness and pain. They are stepping stones. Pain is a man’s teacher, learn from your experiences, good or bad. Always keep calm, walk with dignity and honor and enjoy every moment. oh and be cool, get angry only when necessary and ONLY when you are serious about change….and don’t let the anger turn inward and don’t become self destructive. Feel pride and enjoyment even in the little things.