
Some days we feel invincible, powerful, godlike and some days we feel vulnerable, shameful, and weak. Why is that? Why is it that some days we are surging with confidence and other days we can barely walk with pride? I say it has to do with how we train our minds. If we have always taken the easy way out of things,(ex. if you hate someone and you avoid confrontation) then that will set up how we feel when we go out there to get some tasks done. We will feel shameful and weak all because we wouldn’t confront a single individual. It could be laziness that makes us not do things that will make us like ourselves and fill us with pride(the good kind of pride) or it could be apathy holding us back, perhaps boredom or maybe even fear,insecurities etc. Well I noticed that the brain operates on momentum. We need to build momentum in order to be confident and self assured in the long run. And yes we will need to do this numerous times, face our fear, our perceived boredom and apathy, whatever it is and just tackle it down as soon as possible so we don’t get stuck in a downward spiral of mediocrity. 

The only ‘demon’ that is in our way is ourselves, no one else is doing anything to us. Sure they may influence our thinking but we always have control of what we think, do and say. We can be outspoken, or soft spoken. We can be aggressive or passive. We can be open or closed off. We can be strong or weak. We can be happy or miserable. We can be dominant or submissive. We can take joy in who we are or despise ourselves. We can be intelligent or unintelligent. We can learn from mistakes or keep doing them over and over. We can stand with those who are like us or we can stand alone. We can gain strength, knowledge and skills from tough situations or we can avoid them. In the end the choice is ours, no one else’s words can do anything to us, no one else’s actions can do anything to us. 

Fear and comfort

Fear and comfort will always be holding us back, among other things. We grasp to familiarity and fight change like it’s a bad thing. People want to get as cozy, comfortable and secure as possible and they will never get anywhere because of that. We need radical change and action. The present moment can be a good place to start moving in a more powerful and dominant path. It’s not easy and we won’t want to do it at the moment and it may be painful at the moment but overtime we will be glad we made the choice to act in spite of fear, laziness, comfort, insecurity, sleepiness etc. We will like ourselves more and respect ourselves more once we decide that we want a more powerful life. Some may not care that their life is bad, I am like that sometimes, some days I just don’t give a damn about how my life is, I just want to jerk off, game and surf the net and let my negative thoughts keep me from doing what I know is going to make me most satisfied and accomplished which will breed euphoria. 

Thought is the enemy

Some say thought is the enemy and that may be true, many of us spend too much time thinking about what we want and we never get up and move towards it. A goal without action is only a day dream. But of course the good things in life take some time and some effort. No way around that unfortunately. 

Why do we set up all these barriers to keep us from becoming our best? We let people’s words define us. What rubbish, it pisses me off. Words are just words, they only become powerful once you attach meaning to them. Why is it that we humans always want to do things the easy way and just be lazy. If you’re youthful get up and move, if there any enemies or discomfort in your way simply cancel the distractions out of your mind and focus on what will make you happiest and most successful. It’s either the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. Again it’s your choice. Regret can be painful. So let’s use discipline for now shall we. Let’s learn to enjoy each moment and stay more relaxed or get pumped and mad! Tackle the world down before the world tackles you down. People prey on you vulnerability. DO NOT LET THEM. PROTECT YOURSELF WITH POWERFUL CONFIDENCE AND PRIDE. Apply knowledge before we end up forgetting it and/or write it down somewhere for reviewing.

Solitude is a good place to gain more strength

Fuck the one percent, screw the jack of all trades, just be you, do you. Move with a manly swagger if you’re a male and soon you will be your true self. Walk until you find yourself. Women can benefit from this too but women are more in touch with themselves than us guys. Anyways, in solitude you may lose yourself in delusions that’s why its good to do earthly tasks to stay grounded.

Fuck what others think, fuck what others say, speak your mind and act in a way that will make you feel good about yourself. Loneliness and emptiness don’t last, once you find that person or hobby to awaken you from your darkness you will never be quite the same again. Because then your life gets some sort of meaning. Life is what we make it. I think there is some measure of truth to that. If we go into a situation without joy and power then how can we expect to feel good in the long run? Lets say you’re at the crossroads and you need to let go of some old habits in order to live a better life. Remember, not choosing to change is a choice as well. Every second of everyday we have choices to make and we can always make them. So why not act on better choices sooner rather that later when you feel forced? Why not take your sweet time and enjoy each moment of this life? The internet loses it’s appeal eventually plus your body will be affected and then your mind. Humans need activity, both mental stimulation,(ex socializing) and physical stimulation,(ex:working out,sex,walking) Walking allows you to find yourself when you are lost within. It also allows you to perfect better thinking patterns and decisions. 

Solitude can be miserable, realize fear is an illusion, fuck everything that is holding you back and fuck your perceived illusions. Fuck the avoidance of boredom and fuck the avoidance of loneliness and pain. They are stepping stones. Pain is a man’s teacher, learn from your experiences, good or bad. Always keep calm, walk with dignity and honor and enjoy every moment. oh and be cool, get angry only when necessary and ONLY when you are serious about change….and don’t let the anger turn inward and don’t become self destructive. Feel pride and enjoyment even in the little things.


Lazy year

Hey,I’m the main writer for this site/blog and all the random fun/boring contents it brings from the depths of hell. Tonight/Today we are going to look into lazy days and how they can get extended into months,years and for some poor souls a lifetime. One main component of laziness is,yea you guessed right brothers and sisters its…procrastination. Its common I’m sure. I procrastinate,you procrastinate,the whole fucking world procrastinates at some time in their life.Hell,even the earth procrastinates,it should have ended december last year,but it postponed it because its too much pain. We avoid things or put them off because we attach too much pain to them and too little pleasure.Take gaming for example,who the hell would put that off,for some extreme gamers they’d play completely naked in front of millions and not give a fuck. Activities like gaming are fun,so we associate it with pleasure. On the other hand activities like…say anything that requires us to step out of our comfort zone,we tend to put it off another time. If the activity is extremely painful(can’t think of any examples maybe you could think of your personal pains)then we will do whatever it takes to avoid or get done as quick as possible and never do it again. Nevermind I have one example,telling someone you hate that you love them.Most of us are too stubborn,too full of foolish pride to do anything painful and end up putting our sense of self worth on the line. Seeing a bunch of crazy teenagers around your age screaming like chimpanzees as they throw light bulbs at each other in total joy and bliss,what’s up with that? Let your imagination run wild whenever you want to just enjoy yourself,no matter the situation.Hell whenever I lose my train of thought I just go blank and type whatever.I don’t care. Its pleasurable in a way. We all need our own therapy,our own outlets so whenever the pain gets a little out of hand we know where to go to release it. Some ways to release pain include 

  • Do metal screams and growls
  • Write blogs like this
  • Toss around the weights and workout like a beast….
  • Aggression but don’t be an ass
  • Meditation    

These are just some ways that I use sometimes.The world is naked and soon it will be sucked into a blackhole and then reborn into some other galaxy by coming out of another hole.As they say,what goes in eventually comes out. Lethargic?hit the weights or even just dance insanely to heavy metal,rap or whatever the fuck you’re into. Somebody piss you off? Look them dead in the eye and tell them ‘I love you,go fuck yourself you………’strange I know,all I do is ignore those are full of shit or get a little aggressive nothing over the top. Are you angry? Say fuck you to the world and take some boxing classes. Somebody is being a bitch? Give them guidance and help them make something of themselves. Can’t sleep at night because there are monsters in your closet/under your bed? Can’t help you there you’re fucked.Best thing you could do is just lay in bed and let them devour you.

 Can’t lie,I’m a lazy guy.I get excited mostly at night because that’s when I look for the new porn video of the night.After i ejaculate I relax for awhile,but on some rare occasions I get suicidal like the only enjoyment of the day/night is gone and I’m back to my bad day.Then I end up not masturbating for a long time,I might even skip a day. How did I end up typing this stuff out? Forgot to mention the devil sometimes possesses me when I’m blogging or taking a shit. That’s it for the day,til next time………..

When push comes to shove,the sky is the limit

Lethargy,sucks but whatever,what can you do but sit around and jerk off to the clock as it keeps going tick tock tick tock…..


It is beautiful,suffering can either toughen you up or break you to pieces,but either way you grow once you come out of it.   

  • you are the sky
  • I am the god
  • we are the universe        

Get it?

Lets pretend,say you get beat up by some magical force,what do you do? Do you try and persuade the guy into not having beat you up,no….thats not a good move.First lets see what made the person want to beat you up in the first place…

  1. you stole his dinosaur cookie(and no this isn’t kindergarten,its college)
  2. He got mad and you made it worse by eating his cookie in front of his burning eyes
  3. inevitable happens,you get your ass handed to you.unless you are one sick fucker and enjoy getting a beating you aren’t going to come out of it smiling and laughing like you just lost your virginity.Which won’t happen because the girl you’ve been eyeing thinks you’re a wimp getting beat up like that and she sees you as a delinquent.

I don’t know about you but I’d be furiously learning mma moves from online and simultaneously jerking off to softcore lesbian porn(nvm something more gruesome)to get rd of the pain of rejection.